Newsletter 43 - February 2001
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INTRODUCTION: The realistic popularity of the Internet is discussed below. Newsletter 43 lists the largest range and lowest priced Real Tennis titles I have ever been able to offer. Don't miss this opportunity! What will 2001 bring for Lawn Tennis? For GB, it will be a critical year, especially in the Davis Cup. We in Britain keep our fingers crossed for Roger Taylor and his team. Can Hingis re-establish her superiority in the women's game? That would add spice to the tennis world. Can the young ATP "New Balls Please" players push aside the top players and break into the top five/ten? There is a tired look about some of the top players, so I think some changes would be welcome. That may not be a popular view! The All England Club has announced that play will start on Centre and No 1 each day at 1.00 pm, instead of the usual 2.00 pm, except the two Singles Finals. This is a good, balanced move in the face of some criticism about top matches going on in the evening, and makes up time lost for rain-breaks. It always felt odd seeing the main courts empty while play went on everywhere else. It will be interesting to see if the earlier start curtails the long lunches. By the way, in the last Newsletter, I wrote a valedictory to Bunny Austin, giving his Christian names as "Harold Wilfred". After all the times I visited him, I should have known he was actually christened "Henry Wilfred". It was a very embarrassing mistake to have made.

THE INTERNET: The last few months have seen some rather more sober assessments of the Internet. Its popularity, its effectiveness, its enormous global spread, and now its alleged contraction, have all been subject to much English newspaper comment as 2000 closed. I can only talk from my own experience. I would not be without the Internet, BUT preliminary results of sales from Newsletters 41 and 42 sent by e-mail have not compared satisfactorily with those sent by ordinary mail. There was much enthusiasm from clients all over the world with regard to e-mail, but that enthusiasm has not translated into much more business, even though my links page brings a steady flow of new business. Two clients whom I met at the Royal Albert Hall freely acknowledged that they were aware the latest Newsletter had arrived two weeks earlier, but neither had found the time to download it. Certainly, some clients have ordered by e-mail, having received the Newsletter by e-mail. I remain flexible and content to experiment, adapting to changing circumstances. So, Newsletter 43 will be sent to all clients by mail. Where I have an e-mail address, clients will also receive e-mail notification that Newsletter 43 is on the web-site. I seek and welcome comments and suggestions about e-mail and the Internet. But a dose of reality is no bad thing.

THE HONDA CHALLENGE at the Royal Albert Hall was a marvellous five days. We ran for eight sessions; I was in the RAH by 9.00 a.m. and out by 12.30 a.m., truly a long day! But the constant flow of clients and friends through the main lobby where The Tennis Bookshop was situated provided an exhilarating atmosphere, with plenty of good book-business. Thanks as ever to all those who came to say hello and trade tennis books. Pat Cash at last dethroned three times winner John McEnroe in a thrilling champion's tie-break. And it was farewell to Bjorn Borg. I wonder, is that really true, or will he be in Dublin at the end of February?

DIARY DATES FOR 2001: I have just agreed to take The Tennis Bookshop to Dublin for the KPMG Challenge at The Point from 22/25 Feb. I look forward to meeting my Irish clients at last! As always, I will be offering a huge range of collectable tennis books in great condition.

22 Feb/25 Feb: KPMG Challenge for the ATP Senior Tour….......…at The Point in Dublin

11 Jun/17 Jun: Stella Artois Men's event……………………………at The Queen's Club in London

18 Jun/23 Jun: Eastbourne International Ladies' Championships………… Devonshire Park

25 Jun/08 Jul: The Championships, (there to work without the books)………….at Wimbledon

05 Dec/09 Dec: Honda Challenge for the ATP Senior Tour… the Royal Albert Hall, London

This broad selection of Tennis and Rackets titles comes from the break-up of a sporting library. In nearly all cases there are multiple copies, which explains why the prices are significantly lower than previous offerings. This presents private and institutional clients, especially the Tennis clubs of Australia, France, Great Britain, and the USA, with a golden opportunity to acquire some quite hard to find and therefore usually more highly priced titles. From the Tennis bibliography of the late 19th & 20th centuries, there are few titles not represented here. There is also a small selection of the earlier and thus much rarer titles; details can be had from me on application. These books are generally in very good condition with dustwrappers (DW) where issued, unless described otherwise, or paperbacks (PB). I consider myself fortunate to find one copy a year of most of these titles. The list which follows is a much edited version of a more detailed list already sent to established collectors of such literature. Let me know if you would like to receive a full version of the descriptions.

01: "Annals of Tennis (The)" by Julian Marshall; USA facsimile edition 1973 (1st 1878); 226 pp in green & gilt decorated boards; (no DW issued). Major 19th C. title on Tennis. £125

02: "Art of the Tennis-Racket-Maker and of Tennis (The)" by de Garsault; 1st English edition 1938; 45 pp +5 plates; Hampton Court edition. Jeu de Paume in 18th C. France. £295

03: "Art of the Tennis-Racket-Maker and of Tennis (The)" by de Garsault; 1977 USA reprint of 02 above; in an edition of 750 numbered copies; in a red card slip-case. £50

04: "Athletic Sports, Tennis, Rackets and other Ball Games"; elephant folio in red/gilt leather boards; c1935; 421 pp; AEG. All the Racket Sports are beautifully covered. £195

05: "Ball, Bat and Bishop" by Robert W. Henderson; 1st USA edition 1947; 220 pp; HB in DW. Authoritative research into the early historical origins of several Racket Sports. £200

06: "Ball, Bat and Bishop"; as 05 above but no DW. £50

07: "Book of Racquets (The)" by J.R. Atkins; facsimile edition 1982 (1872); 250 numbered copies; 108 pp; pictorial boards. Only 19th C. manual on Rackets, history, origins, etc. £35

08: "Book of Sport (The)" edited by W. Patten; 1st USA edition 1901 (1500 copies); 411 pp elephant folio; HB. Court Tennis, Racquets, Hand-Fives etc on USA's Eastern Seaboard. £450

09: "Chase Down Under(A): A History of Royal Tennis in Australia" by M. Garnett; 1st edition 1999; 502 pp in pictorial boards. Also contains extensive Tennis bibliography. £28

10: "History of Royal Tennis in Australia (A)" by Michael Garnett; 1st edition 1983; 224 pp; HB in DW. Garnett's earlier history of the Australian game. (see also 09 above). £45

11: "History of Tennis (A)" by Noel & Clark; 1st edition 1924; 2 large format volumes (450 sets only); no DW. Considered to be the greatest work on Tennis in the 20th century. £685

12: "History of the Royal Game of Tennis (A)" by de Luze; English translation 1979; 395 pp; large HB in DW; 500 copies. See 16 for the original French edition of 1933. £225

13: "Hazard Chase" by Jeremy Potter; 1st edition 1964; HB in DW. This must be just about the only Real Tennis novel. It is a murder mystery, and an exciting thriller "whodunit". £50

14: "How to Make the Real Tennis Ball from Core to Cover" by Hamilton & Hobson; 1st edition (signed by both) 1977; HB in DW; 27 pp. The title says it all! Only 500 copies. £45

15: "How to Make the Real Tennis Ball from Core to Cover"; as 14 above in PB. £20

16: "Magnifique Histoire du Jeu de Paume (La)" by de Luze; 1st French edition 1933; 415 pp in large format PB. See also 12. Only 1100 copies of which many were pulped. £250

17: "Manchester Tennis and Racket Club 1876-1980" by various authors; 93 pp; no DW issued; in an edition of 350 copies. History of a famous English Tennis and Rackets club. £45

18: "More Than A Yard Worse…" by Jonathan Howell; 1st edition 1995; 173 pp; HB in DW; signed. The Oratory pro tells of his global travels for tennis events as a top player. £20

19: "Pierre's Book: The Game of Court Tennis" by Pierre Etchebaster; 1st USA edition 1971; 75 pp; HB in DW. (500 copies only). The great Pierre's coaching wisdom. Signed! £175

20: "Pierre's Book: The Game of Court Tennis"; as 19 above in DW, but unsigned. £75

21: "Rackets, Squash-Rackets, Tennis, Fives, & Badminton" edited by Lord Aberdare; 1st edition 1933; 328 pp; HB in worn DW. Origins, history, equipment, courts, technique. £60

22: "Rackets, Squash-Rackets, Tennis, Fives, & Badminton"; 1951 reprinted edition; HB in very good DW; otherwise as 21 above. £50

23: "Rackets, Squash-Rackets, Tennis, Fives, & Badminton"; 1st edition 1933 and reprinted edition 1951; otherwise as 21 and 22 above, but no DW. £35

24: "Racquet Game (The)" by A. Danzig; 1st USA edition 1930; 283 pp; HB. Origins, court, history, great USA names in Court Tennis, Racquets, & Squash Racquets before 1930. £145

25: "Racquets, Tennis, & Squash" by E. Miles; 1st USA edition 1903; 336 pp; worn. Decorated externally. A fine coaching manual with early demonstrative photographs. £175

26: "Royal Game (The)" edited by Butler & Wordie; 1st edition 1989; 144 pp; HB in DW, or PB. This is a fascinating blend of historical literature on Tennis in Scotland. £15

27: "Rules & Principles of Tennis" by Pierre Barcellon; English edition 1987; 47 pp; HB in DW. The rules and technique at the end of the 18th C. from the 1800 1st edition. £10

28: "Scaino on Tennis"; 2nd English translation; 100 copies; 1984; 200 pp; HB in DW. From Scaino's 1555 title "Trattato del Giuoco della Palla", the first book published on Tennis. £150

29: "Scaino on Tennis"; as 28 above but the standard edition of 400 copies in DW. £75

30: "Story of Tennis (The)" by Lord Aberdare; 1st edition 1959; 180 pp; HB (no DW). Very readable account of how Real Tennis eventually gave birth to Lawn Tennis. £18

31: "Tennis: A Cultural History"; by H. Gillmeister; leather edition 1997; 452 pp; 108 numbered, signed copies; AEG. Origins of European ball-play, especially in Germany. £150

32: "Tennis: A Cultural History" ; standard edtn HB in DW; 1000 copies; see 31 above £40

33: "Tennis: A Cultural History" ; reprinted 1998; as 32 above, but now in PB. £20

34: "Tennis: A Cut Above the Rest" by Chris Ronaldson; 1st edition 1985; 172 pp; HB in DW. The World Champion's autobiography and excellent coaching manual £30

35: "Tennis: A Cut Above the Rest"; 3rd edition 1995; otherwise as 34 above. £20

36: "Tennis: Lawn Tennis: Rackets: Fives"; the Badminton Library; 1st edition 1890; brown decorated boards. I rate this wonderful Racket Sports compendium very highly. £95

37: "Tennis Origins and Mysteries" by M. Whitman; USA reprint 1968 (1st of 1932); 258 pp. The terms of Tennis; huge bibliographies of Tennis and Lawn Tennis literature. £100

38: "Treatise on Tennis (A)" by Samuel Smith Travers; 1985 facsimile edition (1875); 488 copies; 72pp. Travers was the founding father of Royal Tennis in Australia. £100

39: "Two Centuries of Real Tennis" by John Shneerson; 1st edition 1997; 86 pp; HB in DW. History of the of Tennis court in Newmarket, now happily back in action. £25

40: "Willis Faber Book of Tennis & Rackets (The)" by Lord Aberdare; 1st edition 1980; 318 pp; HB in DW. Extensive history & record; each court has it own chapter. £145

41: "Winning Gallery (The): Court Tennis Matches and Memories" by A. Danzig; 1st USA edition 1985; 347 pp in pictorial boards. The game, mostly as played in the USA. £65

42: "Contest for the Grand Military Annual Racquet Championship (The), a Sketch at the Prince's Club"; published in The Graphic, March 10 1894. Measures 22 x 17 cm. £25

43: "Tennis Court at Strathfieldsaye"; published in The Illustrated London News, February 1, 1845. A doubles on the Duke of Wellington's court. Measures 16 x 13 cm. £75

NEW OR RECENTLY PUBLISHED TITLES: Order your player guides here at number 45.

44: "Anna Kournikova Calendar 2001"; she photographs better than she plays!!!! £18

45: "ATP Player Guide 2001" and/or "Sanex WTA Tour Player Guide 2001"; each £20

46: "Dessous du Tennis Feminin (Les)" by Nathalie Tauziat; PB in French; signed. £25

47: "Sanex WTA Tour Calendar 2001"; some of the top ladies looking so glamorous! £15

48: "Ultimate Encyclopedia of Tennis (The)" by John Parsons; 1998. Great history! £20

49: "World of Tennis 2001" edited (for the 33rd consecutive year!) by John Barrett. £13

SIGNED PHOTOGRAPHS AND STAMP COVERS: Demand for good quality signed items remains very high, acknowledging that far too many signatures are quite valueless.

50: "Henri Leconte" black & white photo, full length action shot; 20 x 25 cm. £30

51: "Tim Henman" colour photo, half length acknowledging applause; 18 x 25 cm. £40

52: "Tim Henman" colour photo, half length wearing a suit; 19 x 24 cm. £40

53: "John McEnroe" black & white photo full length about to receive; 21 x 29 cm. £60

54: "John McEnroe" & "Peter Fleming" black & white photo, receiving doubles trophies in Wimbledon's Royal Box, signed by both players; 24 x 17 cm. £60

55: "Pete Sampras" colour photo, ¾ length playing backhand; 13 x 18 cm. £60

56: "Pete Sampras" colour photo, full-length playing backhand; 20 x 25 cm. £60

57: "Greg Rusedski" colour photo, ¾ length waving to crowd; 17 x 24 cm. £35

58: "Bjorn Borg" colour photo, full length playing backhand; 15 x 24 cm. £50

59: "Roy Emerson" signed on Royal Mail stamped first day cover for The Australian Bicentenary dated 21 Jun 1988. £45

60: "Martina" (Navratilova) signed on The Gambia Great Wimbledon Champions first day cover dated 2 Jan 1990, with Martina Navratilova postage stamp. £65

61: "Steffi Graf" colour photo, full length about to serve; 8 x 12 cm £50

62: "Rod Laver" signed on The Gambia Great Wimbledon Champions first day cover dated 2 Jan 1990, with Rod Laver postage stamp. £50

63: WIMBLEDON ANNUALS: This time, I am able to offer examples of every one of the 18 years in the set, a most unusual occurrence. They are priced as follows: 1983 @ £250; 1984 @ £95; 1985 @ £150; 1986 @ £20; 1987 @ £20; 1988 @ £20; 1989 @ £20; 1990 @ £50; 1991 @ £80; 1992 @ £20; 1993 @ £125; 1994 @ £90; 1995 @ £20; 1996 @ £20; 1997 @ £90; 1998 @ £20; 1999 @ £20; 2000 @ £20. +postage UK £4; Europe £6; World-wide £10.

THREE VERY EARLY DUSTWRAPPERS: I remain totally devoted to dustwrappers! Excuse me if I say: "You must buy books in their jackets". I make strenuous efforts to ensure that almost my entire stock of books is suitably clothed. The three 1920's titles which follow are not only great tennis titles; they all have their dustwrappers in good to very good condition.

64: "Lawn Tennis The World-Game of To-Day" by F.R. Burrow; 1st edition 1922; 271 pp. This large format book has a brilliant wrapper, the first time I have seen it, and it is the third earliest tennis wrapper I have ever seen. The book is a fine history & coaching manual. £450

65: "Match Play and the Spin of the Ball" by William T. Tilden; 1st UK edition 1928; 144 pp. Tilden's writes what is still considered to be the greatest coaching book on tennis. £150

66: "Me - The Handicap"
by William T. Tilden; 1st UK edition 1929; 164 pp. His opinions on just about any subject are worth reading; this early auto-biography is a top tennis title. £150

SUZANNE RACHEL FLORE LENGLEN, born 24 May 1899; died (tragically early) July 4 1938. Her major achievements were 6 Wimbledon singles and 9 doubles titles, and 6 French singles and 13 doubles titles, plus dozens of other championships. There are several books by her or about her; there was also to be a Hollywood film, but that lies unfinished on the shelf. Roscoe Tanner portrayed Bill Tilden. Who can spot the anomaly?

67: "Lawn Tennis the Game of Nations" by Suzanne Lenglen; 1st edition 1925; 127 pp in rare decorative DW. Some classic photos of her in action illustrate this coaching book. £80

68: "Le Tennis" par Mlle Lenglen; 1st French PB edtn c1923; 97 pp. Her coaching book. £90

69: "Suzanne Lenglen" par Claud Anet; 1st French PB edition 1927; 196 pp. Bound entire into later boards, this is the only contemporary French language biography of Suzanne. £150

70: "Suzanne Lenglen La Diva du Tennis" par Gianni Clerici; 1st French PB edition 1988; 253 pp. I consider this to be the pre-eminent Lenglen biographical study on Suzanne. £85

A HOARD OF BOOKS DEDICATED TO MARTINA NAVRATILOVA: I recently acquired a small collection of titles gifted to Martina Navratilova and Judy Nelson when they were a couple. The provenance is that they were sold by a close relative of Judy via a Forth Worth, Texas bookdealer, and thence direct to me. The books, mostly not about tennis, do not contain signatures by Martina or Judy, but they contain hand-written dedications by fans or authors. For Martina fans, of whom there are many, this is a unique opportunity to acquire some very personal Martina possessions. There is a modest discount for a total order!

71: "Alex The Life of a Child"
by Frank Deford; 1st USA edition 1983; 196 pp; HB in DW. The sad story of Frank's daughter who died so young. Frank, a great USA tennis journalist, wrote biographies on Tilden, Kramer, Shriver, and BJK. Inscribed: "July 19, 1985 For Martina Navratilova With respect and in fond appreciation. Frank Deford ALEX'S FATHER." £75

72: "Australian Precious Opal"
by Archie Kalokerinos; Australian edition c1985; 51 pp; HB in DW large format. Inscribed: "Martina Best wishes always Love Peggy Australia '85". £35

73: "Confessions of a Failed Southern Lady" by Florence King; 1st USA edition 1985; 278 pp; HB in DW. This is a novel about life in the USA's deep south. Inscribed: "Judy, From one Southern Lady to another. Rita Mae." This inscription is written by Rita Mae Brown. £75

74: "Killer Tennis" by Powers/Kleiman/Patterson; 1st USA edition 1985; 95 pp in PB. An amusing look at tennis illustrated with cartoons. Inscribed: "To Martina Navratilova From a grateful and admiring fan. Enjoy! Andy Day, Miami, Fl." £25

75: "Little Bit of Paradise (A)"; no stated author; 1st UK edition 1988; 304 pp; HB in DW in large format. Antigua and Barbuda travelogue, inscribed: "Dear Martina and Judy We are pleased that you have made this Little Bit of Paradise your home!" (illegible signature) £85

76: "Masters of Western Art" by Mary Carroll Nelson; 1st USA edition 1982; 176 pp; large HB in DW. Study of great American artists, inscribed by artist Sandy Scott: "for Martina Navratilova, Animal lover & a great champion! All the best!! Sandy Scott El Paso 1982." £75

77: "Pro Bono Poetico and Other Poems" by W.A. Marshall; 1st UK edition 1984; 112 pp in PB. A book of Marshall's works. Inscribed: "24/6/85 London N22. To: Martina Navratilova The Golden-haired Gazelle of Tennis With all the speed and grace of that beautiful centaur." There is no signature, but I am sure this is Marshall's hand. £35

78: "Whale Nation" by Heathcote Williams; UK edition 1988; 191 pp in large format PB. This is the story of the whale, beautifully photographed. Inscribed: "For Martina & Judy, two very special friends. I hope you enjoy this epic poem, Best wishes for the future. All my love Terri xx." There is no clue to Terri's identity. £35

79: "Yugoslavia"; no stated author; 1982; 263 pp; large format pictorial boards. A profusely illustrated tour of Yugoslavia. Inscribed: "To Ms. Navratilova with kind regards. Maria Dujmovic." Includes letter from Maria who was a fan. £35

AND FINALLY this wonderful title really has to be seen to be believed!:
80: "We Have Come a Long Way" by Billie Jean King and Cynthia Starr; 1st large format edition 1988; HB in DW. My favourite women's tennis history, but this copy is inscribed:
"To Martina. The legend and who has the best photo in the book. (Wim. forehand) Thank you your contribution on and off the court to insure the future generation an opportunity to play professional tennis. Love, Billie Jean (King)" The photo to which Billie Jean refers is a dramatic full page colour photo at Wimbledon of Martina in a flying forehand. It is probably one of all-time top ten tennis photos. This book is also inscribed by the co-author:
"To Martina, One of my favorites. I have enjoyed following your wondrous athletic career, and I look forward to following your achievements and contributions in the second part of your life. Perhaps you'll be an ambassador? Whatever you do, I know you'll do it well. All the best, Cynthia Starr (the old Cindy Morris) January 1989 P.S. I still think you can get that #9. As Billie says, "Go for it!" This stunning and unique Navratilova item is offered at £975

81: "Break point" & 82: "The Net"; novels by Ilie Nastase. HB in DW. Signed; each @ £30

SIGNED TITLES: Here are some more signed tennis titles, in superb condition.

83: "Beyond Center Court" by Tracy Austin; 1st edtn 1992; dedicated & signed by her. £35

84: "Ladies of the Court" by Virginia Wade; 1st edtn 1984; signed by Virginia Wade. £25

85: "Le Tennis" by Henri Cochet; 1st French PB edtn c1993; dedicated and signed. £145

86: "Lloyd on Lloyd" by Carol Thatcher; 1st edtn 1985; signed at end by Chris Evert. £40

87: "Mixed Double (A)" by Bunny Austin; 1st edtn 1969; signed by Bunny and Phyllis. £75

88: "Nastase" by Richard Evans; 1st edtn 1978; signed "Best wishes I Nastase". £35

89: "Rosewall Twenty Years at the Top"; 1st edition 1976; signed "Wilma & Ken". £40

90: "Six Weeks to a Better Level of Tennis" by Dennis Ralson; 1977; signed by him. £35

91: "Streamline Tennis" by Mary K. Browne; 1st edtn 1940 in DW; dedicated by her. £125

SIGNED DINNER MENUS: Here are two extraordinary menus from 1980 and 1981, for the Champions' dinner in Paris. They are exceptional quality signatures from great tennis names.

92: Menu 1: Signed by Don Budge, Marianna Simonescu, Raul Vivier, Lew Hoad, Harry Hopman, Mike Davies, Lennart Bergelin, Barbara Jordan, and Henri Cochet. £225

93: Menu 2
: Signed by Christian Boussus, Don Dudge, Gail Lovera, Susan Mascarin, Arthur Ashe, Bjorn Borg, Thiery Tulasne, Marianna Borg, Gene Scott, Chris Evert, Jean-Paul Loth, Jack Kramer, Henri Cochet, Butch Buchholz, Lew Hoad, and Kathy Rinaldi. £325

INTERESTING and UNUSUAL TENNIS TITLES: Single copies, each with its own charm!

94: "Annuaire de la Federation Russe de Lawn Tennis 1934"; PB. Incredibly rare! £135

95: "Daily News Cricket & Tennis Annual 1926"; scarce pocket sized tennis annual. £50

96: "50 Ans/Jahre/Years Gstaad 1937-1987" by E. Walter; 163 pp HB. Club history. £40

97: "Histoire de la Coupe Davis" par Jean Joubert; French edition 1948; 28 pp in PB. £35

98: "Tennis and the Davis Cup" ; Australian PB; 80 pp. History with an Aussie lean! £30

99: "Williams & Co"; Sports equipment catalogue for 1911; 144 pp PB. Many rackets. £65

COACHING MANUAL BAZAAR: Nice copies in a dustwrapper; each is offered at £10. "Arthur Ashe on Tennis" by Ashe 1995; "Better Tennis" by Cornel Lumiere 1963; "Budge on Tennis" by Don Budge 1950; "Elements of Lawn Tennis" by Norman Patterson 1950; "Improving Your Tennis" by P. Hughes 1947; "Lawn Tennis Courtcraft" by N. Patterson 1964; "Lawn Tennis for Teachers & Players" by T. Moss 1949; "Lawn Tennis Technique Training Tactics" by Gresham/Millman 1953; "Love and Hate on the Tennis Court" by S. Cath 1977; "Match Winning Tennis" by C. Jones 1971; "Modern Lawn Tennis" by T. Mottram 1957; "Olliff on Tennis" by J. Olliff 1948; "Successful Tennis" by N. Fraser 1974; "Tackle Lawn Tennis This Way" by A. Buxton 1958; "Tennis for the Bloody Fun Of It" by Laver/Emerson 1976; "Tennis Techniques Illustrated" by Wynn Mace 1952.


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Alan Chalmers